Empower Educators and Engage Students. 

KQED can provide dedicated instruction for teachers in your school, district or county, free of charge. 

Our online courses help teachers build the 21st century skills they will need this year. Our student resources make it easy to incorporate youth voice into lessons on hot topics from climate change to economic reform. Schedule a call to get started!

Curriculum directors: Email us to receive a full menu of PD resources.

Free Media Lit PD

Media literacy is more important than ever, but many teachers need to skill up and gain confidence before integrating it into their lessons. Our experts teach practical audio, video and graphics skills using free, easy media tools.

Checking Facts

Evaluating online information is now trickier than ever. We give teachers a nuanced deep dive. Teachers learn to support students using best practices from professional journalists and fact checkers. 

Student Voice

Great youth media doesn’t require fancy equipment or a long lead time. We help teachers build media creation into learning and evaluate student work. The KQED Youth Media Challenges are our turn-key, standards-aligned option for this school year.

What Educators Have to Say

"I had been avoiding media projects because I wasn't comfortable, but now I’m looking forward to it. The lessons really walk you through the student experience, which is so effective." —High School Librarian

"In the Video Production course, I made a short video which I showed to a fifth grade class. It was SO MUCH FUN! Their eyes were glued to the screen (an achievement to have such focus) and they responded thoughtfully and went on to write some amazing stories." —Elementary Teacher      


KQED offers standards-aligned resources perfect for traditional classrooms or distance learning.

For teachers and districts:

  • KQED Teach: Self-paced and instructor-led online digital media courses
  • Graduate Units: Complete KQED Teach courses to earn grad units from our university partners 
  • District workshops: Media-making and media literacy skill-building during professional development days
  • KQED Media Academy cohorts: Teachers work towards PBS Media Literacy Educator certification so they can coach and equip their peers
  • Mind/Shift: A podcast exploring the future of education

For students:

  • Youth Media Challenge: Standards-aligned projects, for multiple content areas, with ready-to-use curricular supports for self-directed learning, published on the online nationwide showcase 
  • PBS LearningMedia: Online PreK-12 lessons and videos that integrate with your LMS

NAMLE selected KQED's Educator Certification for their 2022 Media Literate Media Award, which recognizes outstanding contributions to media literacy.

Common Sense Education rated KQED Teach a “Super PD resource for making media in the classroom” and the teacher community gave it 5 stars!

The California Department of Education selected KQED to help fulfill the state mandate to provide instructional resources on media literacy to all California teachers.

How to Get Started

1. Reach out to make a plan with our team.

The best way to get started is to talk with us. Schedule a call to create a tailored plan for your district, county or school. 

2. Schedule a school or district workshop for this school year or summer.

Hour-long online workshops introduce free resources from KQED and build media skills teachers can use right away.

3. Convene a KQED Media Academy cohort.

For teachers and TOSAs who want more, this 40-hour learning cohort is a pathway to PBS Media Literacy Educator certification.

4. See Results

KQED’s learning resources help districts across California and nationwide. We look forward to being part of your success story as well.


Here are a few of our partners.

Public Education

  • California Department of Education
  • San Francisco Bay Area County Offices of Education
  • University of California, Riverside
  • California County Superintendents Educational Services Association (CCSESA)

School Districts

  • Benicia Unified School District
  • East Side Union High School District
  • Elk Grove Unified School District
  • Los Angeles Unified School District
  • Oak Grove Unified School District
  • Oakland Unified School District
  • Petaluma City Schools
  • San Francisco Unified School District
  • San Mateo Union High School District
  • San Ramon Unified School District
  • Val Verde Unified School District
  • West Sonoma County High School District

Education Organizations 

  • PBS Education
  • Common Sense Education
  • National Writing Project
  • ISTE
  • 100kin10
  • National Educational Telecommunications Association
  • PBS SoCal
  • Flipgrid

About KQED

KQED is a nonprofit, public media station and NPR and PBS member station based in San Francisco that offers award-winning education resources and services free to educators nationwide. KQED Teach is a collection of professional development courses that empower educators to teach media literacy, make media for the classroom and lead media-making projects with students in K-12.