
Welcome to Making Videos to Inspire Learning! We are excited that you want to add video creation to your teaching practice in order to further enhance your curriculum and engage your students. Video is a powerful way to both visually communicate and share your voice and we know youth are consuming and engaging with videos on social media all the time - so why not leverage that creativity!

Why take this course?

  • You want move beyond the screencast and learn the ins and outs of video production
  • You want resources, examples and ideas on ways to use video in the classroom from KQED experts and fellow educators
  • You want feedback from media literacy experts (your instructors!) on the video and lesson plan you create

Whatever your level of interest, in this course we’ll guide you through making your own video so you get a deeper understanding of the process, and how it can help you support your students’ learning. 

More About This Course

This course is divided into lessons that are a combination of text, images, videos and other interactive elements. You’ll finish up the course by putting together all of your learning by creating your own video to use in your classroom and a lesson plan that shows how you will use this video.

The course instructors will provide you feedback on your assignments designed to help you improve your practice. Your instructors' recommendations will align with the “Creation” KQED media literacy competency. Here’s how we describe this competency:

Exemplary media literacy educators demonstrate the following competency with regards to creating media:

  1. Ability to create original digital media (i.e. audio, video, graphics) to communicate information to an intended audience, using a variety of media production techniques and tools.
    1. Demonstrate understanding of copyright, fair use, and intellectual property with respect to the media you and your students create, including rules regarding ownership of content created with GenAI tools.  
    2. Critically evaluate the way you chose to represent individuals, groups and topics in your media, including media created in partnership with GenAI, to ensure fair and accurate portrayals of people, places, and events. 
    3. Effectively employ narrative, audio and visual design principles to deliver a clear message.
    4. Use feedback and reflection to improve media creation and production.

In addition, other educators may view and comment on your submission, which many course participants have found helpful. We encourage you to do the same.

You can go through the course at whatever pace makes sense for you, and review anything afterwards that you might have missed. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you will need to complete all the assignments and finish the course within four weeks of starting it. If you don’t finish in time, no worries, you can always re-enroll.

Complete and Continue