
Welcome to Making Photo Essays to Inspire Learning! We’re so excited that you could join us. In this course, you will create your own, original photo essay that you can use in classroom instruction and a lesson plan that incorporates that photo essay. 

Why Take this Course?

  • You want to explore how photo essays can help you meet your teaching objectives
  • You are interested in creating media to teach a particular idea, concept, or phenomenon
  • You are working on a student media-making project and want to make a model to help them along
  • You’re interested in earning the Making Media for Classroom Use: Images, Graphics and Interactives PBS micro-credential 

Whatever your level of interest, in this course we’ll guide you through making your own photo essay so you get a deeper understanding of the process, and how it can help you support your students’ learning. 

More About This Course

This course is divided into lessons that are a combination of text, images, videos and other interactive elements. You will also be asked to complete two assignments: creating your own original photo essay and an associated lesson plan. 

The course instructors will provide you feedback on your assignments designed to help you improve your practice. Your instructors' recommendations will align with the requirements for specific PBS media literacy micro-credentials, which you will learn more about toward the end of this course. In addition, you can see and comment on the submissions of other educators like yourself, which many course participants have found helpful.

You can go through the course at whatever pace makes sense for you, and review anything afterwards that you might have missed. In order to receive a certificate of completion, you will need to complete all the assignments and finish the course within four weeks of starting it. If you don’t finish in time, no worries, you can always re-enroll.

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